• Phát triển các sản phẩm tín dụng tiêu dùng của các công ty tài chính tại khu vực đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (2021, Chủ nhiệm: TS. Lê Tấn Nghiêm).
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  • Khuu Thi Phuong Dong, Yoko Saito, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hoa, Tong Yen Dan, & Maisuishi Takashi Fritz (2019). Pressure-State-Response of traceability implementation in seafood-exporting countries: Evidence from Vietnamese shrimp products. Aquaculture International, 27, 1209-1229.
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  • Khuu Thi Phuong Dong, Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Nguyen Hai Nam Tran, Yoko Saito, & Takashi Matsuishi (2021). How much do farmers expect to implement for traceability? Evidence from a double-bound choices experiment of Vietnamese shrimp aquaculture. Asian Fisheries Science, 34(2021), 82–92. Doi: 10.33997/j.afs.2021.34.1.009
  • Khuu Thi Phuong Dong, Nguyen Minh Duc, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hoa, Bui Le Thai Hanh, & Le Thi Thu Trang (2021). Effects of application for international quality assurance certifications on the farm’s profit: Evidence from Vietnamese shrimp. Aquacult Int, 29, 1265–1277.
  • Nguyen Minh Canh, Lu Zhang, & David Morand (2021). Unethical pro-organizational behavior: A moderated mediational model of its transmission from managers to employees. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 28(3), 379-393.
  • Nguyen Minh Canh (2021). The effect of other in-group members' organizational citizenship behavior on employees' organizational deviance: A moral licensing perspective. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, 28(3), 177-190.
  • Melanie Connor, Ong Quoc Cuong, Matty Demont, Bjoern Ole Sander, Katherine Nelson (2022). The influence of climate change knowledge on consumer valuation of sustainably produced rice in Vietnam. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 1–12.

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