• Luu Thanh Duc Hai and Quoc Nghi Nguyen, 2022. The Influence of Website Quality on Brand Trust and Satisfaction of Students: A Case Study of Universities in Vietnam. International Journal of Data and Network Science, Canada, vol. 6(4), 1403-1412.
  • Luu Thanh Duc Hai, Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Nguyen Thi Tu Trinh, 2020. Potentials for Tourism Development of Chau Thanh District, Hau Giang Province. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management, vol. 5(4), pp. 03-08.
  • Nguyen Huu Tam and Luu Thanh Duc Hai, 2016. An analysis of the value added and net value added of actors involved in the cocoa value chain in Ben Tre province. Monograph on Value Chain Analysis of Agricultural Products in the Mekong Delta: Chapter 7, pp. 224 – 244, Can Tho University Publisher.



  • Dang Nguyen Tuan Kiet and Luu Tien Thuan, 2019. Examine the determinant factors on financial leverage of Vietnamese commercial banks. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, vol.4 (19), pp. 72-85.
  • La Hong Lien and Luu Tien Thuan, 2018. A literature review on organizational culture and organizational effectiveness. Can Tho University Journal of Science, vol. 54 (4), pp. 24-36.
  • Luu Tien Thuan, Nguyen Huynh Bao Ngoc, and Nguyen Thu Nha Trang, 2018. Does customer experience management impact customer loyalty shopping at supermarket? The case in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Economic World, 6 (1), pp. 13-21.
  • Hai Chin Yu and Luu Tien Thuan, 2014. CEO compensation, CEO attributes and corporate risk taking – evidence from US listed corporations. Banks and Bank Systems, 9(4),pp. 48-72. (Scopus)
  • Luu Tien Thuan, 2011. The relationship between the United States and Vietnam stock markets. The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, vol. 5(1), pp. 77-89. (American Economic Association’s Econlit).



  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Le Kim Thanh and La Nguyen Thuy Dung, 2021. Factors influencing market access of green pomelo farmers in ben tre province. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, vol. 12, pp. 256-260.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, La Nguyen Thuy Dung and Bui Van Trinh, 2021. Evaluate the financial efficiency of semi-intensive prawn farming: a case study in My Xuyen district, Soc Trang province. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 12, pp. 478–482.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and La Nguyen Thuy Dung, 2020. Factors affecting enterprises' access to formal credit in Can Tho City, Vietnam. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4, pp. 617-620.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and La Nguyen Thuy Dung, 2020. Analyze production efficiency and scale efficiency of rice farming households in Hau Giang province. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4, pp. 525-527.
  • Le Thi Dieu Hien, Nguyen Quoc Nghi, and La Nguyen Thuy Dung, 2019. Factors influencing linkage risk between farmers and enterprises in the shrimp supply chain: a case study of Bac Lieu province. International Journal of Scientific and Education Research, 03 (2), pp. 75-85.



  • Hoang Thi Hong Loc, Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Phan Van Phung and Le Thi Dieu Hien, 2022. The association among collaboration, risk and supply chain performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, vol.10, pp. 1211–1218.
  • Mai Van Nam, Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Nguyen Du Ha Long, 2022. The relationship between cooperation, supply chain performance and tour operator performance: a case study of tourism supply chain in Vietnam. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, vol. 44(4), pp. 1246–1252.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Hoang Thi Hong Loc and Mai Van Nam, 2022. Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Analyze Household Energy-Saving Behavior. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, vol. 12(5), pp. 287-293.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Huynh Van Tung and Mai Van Nam, 2021. The relationships among service failure, service recovery, customer satisfaction and trust at international hospitals. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, vol. 9, pp. 887-896.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Le Kim Thanh and Ngo Huynh Nhu, 2021. Factors affecting Can Tho university’s brand value - approach from students. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 12(02), pp. 90-96.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Huynh Van Ba, Mai Van Nam and Hoang Thi Hong Loc, 2021. The Effect of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Study in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, vol. 8(12), pp. 253-260.
  • Quoc Nghi Nguyen and Thi Hong Loc Hoang, 2020. Permission Email Marketing Affects Customer’s perception, Attitude, and Intention of Using E-banking Services in Vietnam. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9(5), pp. 8988-8994.
  • Quoc Nghi Nguyen and Thi Dieu Hien Le, 2020. Factors affecting creativity of university lecturers in Vietnam. Espacios, vol.41(23), pp. 201-210.
  • Quoc Nghi Nguyen and Van Trinh Bui, 2020. The impacts of listening to customers on their satisfaction and loyalty towards banks. Espacios, vol. 41(32), pp. 202-2010.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Bui Thi Yen Ni, 2020. Factors affecting international visitors’ preference for local fruits in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, vol. 6(8), pp. 70-74.
  • Nguyễn Quoc Nghi, Le Thi Dieu Hien and Nguyen Huynh Lam, 2020. Relationships among novelty seeking, satisfaction, return intention, and willingness to recommend of foreign tourists in Vietnam. Management Science Letters, 10(10), pp. 2249–2258.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Hoang Thi Hong Loc and Nguyen Du Ha Long, 2020. The impact of occupational stress on job satisfaction and performance of banking credit officers. Management Science Letters, vol. 10 (16), pp. 3891-3898.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Truong Thi Xuan Thanh, 2019. Factors affecting the linkage risk in producing and consuming rice between farmers and enterprises in the large field model at Can Tho city. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(10), pp. 6434-6448.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Vo Thanh Truc, 2019. The impact of the employees’ satisfaction of job on the satisfaction of corporate customers toward financial services within the commercial banking system. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 8, pp. 5538-5550.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Le Thi Dieu Hien, 2018. Factors influencing the labor restructuring from agriculture to non-agriculture sectors in Can Tho city. International Journal of Scientific and Education Research, vol. 3(2), pp. 64-74.
  • Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Tran Thi Diem Can, 2017. Factors affecting the local residents’ support on tourism development in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business, vol. 3(2), pp. 31-35.



  • Huynh Nhut Phuong, 2018. Understanding consumer intention to use mobile payment services: in case of can tho city. The UHD-CTU-UEL International Economics and Business Conference 2018, University Of Economics And Law, Vietnam, 31/05 - 1/06/2018, pp. 68-77.
  • Huynh Nhut Phuong, 2017. Positioning of fast food brands in can tho market: an empirical study using multidimensional scaling approach. UHD-CTU Annual Economics And Business Conference Proceedings – 2017, CanTho University, 13-14/01/2017, pp. 441-451.
  • Huynh Nhut Phuong, 2017. Employing multidimensional scaling to figure out the position of fast food brand in Can Tho. Industry and Trade Magazine, vol. 4+5, pp. 80-85.
  • Huynh Nhut Phuong and Nguyen Thuy An, 2017. The skills needed for business startup under the student’s assessment. Industry and Trade Magazine, vol. 13, pp. 190-195.
  • Huynh Nhut Phuong and Nguyen Thuy An, 2017. Investigation of consumers’ attitude on mobile marketing platform: an empirical study in Cantho City, Vietnam. UHD-CTU annual Economics and Business Conference proceedings – 2017, CanTho University, 13-14/01/2017, pp. 426-440.
  • Huynh Nhut Phuong and Nguyen Thuy An, 2017. Exploring drivers influencing consumers’ attitude towards mobile marketing, Can Tho University Journal of Science, 07, pp. 148-159.
  • Huynh Nhut Phuong and Nguyen Thuy An, 2016. Drivers of consumer acceptance towards mobile marketing communication: in case of Can Tho City, Viet Nam. Marketing in a new era, Digital Marketing for Enterprises, forecasting potentials and challenges Conference proceedings, Da Nang University, 15/10/2016, pp. 3-19.



  • Nguyen Thi Bao Chau and Young Rok Choi, 2022. R&D investment decisions and performance feedback: moderating effects of organizational forms and investment efficiency. Working Paper presented at the Fall Conference 2022, the Korean Society of Management Science, October 28, 2022, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Nguyen Thi Bao Chau and Young Rok Choi, 2021. Internal capital allocation efficiency, leverage and R&D investment in diversified firms during the financial crisis. Working Paper presented at the SSK Next-Generation Social Scientist Academic Contest, December 17, 2021, South Korea.



  • Khuu Ngoc Huyen and Nguyen Quoc Nghi, 2019. Impacts of the tourists’ motivation to search for novelty to the satisfaction and loyalty to a destination of Kien Giang marine and coastal adventure tourism. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 04 (4), pp. 2807-2818.
  • Khuu Ngoc Huyen and Nguyen Quoc Nghi and Hoang Thi Hong Loc, 2019. Evaluating the efficiency of rural labor use in Chau Thanh A district, Hau Giang province. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management, 4, pp. 8-15.

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